Martin Taylor's profile

Thought Forming (The Gift)

This animation sequence was produced with a dual purpose. Firstly, it was a sequence, designed for The Monroe Institute - a consciousness research facility in Faber, VA - to build into their logo. With this in mind, it starts with the concept of a thought forming from the ether, into a neural pathway and then onward, to join the thoughts of others towards a common purpose. At this point it develops into the concept behind the TMI logo; of 'escape velocity' - a concept brought about by Robert Monroe, the founder of the Institute. He stated from his experience 'out of body' that we are all re-incarnated many times until the spirit gathers enough momentum to evolve, to whatever, or wherever, is next. It's a fascinating notion.

Secondly, the sequence was a road test for the team of director/concept designer, score composer, sound designer, 3D modelling and animation team, and compositor for future productions in this area of perception and consciousness. To this end it was also huge success and a pleasure to breath life into this entirely original sequence.

I have also included the original storyboards which show how on target the original brief was interpreted.

Concept & Direction: Martin Taylor
Storyboard Artist: Colin Dowden
Music Composer: Russell Thornton

Sound Design: Abel Okugawa
3D Animation Artist: Edward Devilla
3D Modelling and Lighting: Lyle Caroll
Animation Compositor: Aaron Peterson
Thought Forming (The Gift)