It has been a while that I have been thinking to draw my self in a different way that a realistic drawing. So I have tried to show the way that I see myself and represent the child that I still have inside :) 
I have used a mixed technic, finishing the project in Photoshop with my Wacom Cintiq. 
I hope you liket it!
In the first picture you will see the first sketch that I did inmediatly after the idea came to my mind:
In this picture you already can see that I started with Photoshop adding the colors textures, shadows and lights:
The collage of pictures I did to show a close up of the process, the texture of the skin and hair, the background.....later you will see that I changed my mind about the flower and I choose a log to sit:
And this is the result!!!
Thanks for taking the time and look my project!!!
Self Portrait

Self Portrait

Drawing myself in a different perspective.
