InvoiceXpress Website
Lead Designer at InvoiceXpress, December 2011 – Abril 2012
Entrusted with: copywriting, interaction design, visual design, front-end development (on top of WordPress) and integration with Google Analytics
Worked with: customer support, copywriters, marketing, product managers, back-end developers and executive leaders
InvoiceXpress (IX), an invoicing SaaS, had been disciplined about its website since its inception in 2009, until its redesign in 2012. The cohesive look, content and structure had only seen slight changes from time to time, but the essence remained the same. During that time, many of its loyal users considered it “the Apple of invoicing”, not only for of its great value but also for its “skeuomorphic” UI.
In 2011, this 3 year period of discipline had begun to show its side effects: both the website and the application were now a “legacy monster” for designers and developers alike, and their UI was fragmented and commonplace.
Later that year, I led the initiative to rethink and redesign the website experience. However, the goal was to not to go overboard with a drastic change in direction but to create a “bridge” between the (at the time) present and the future IX.
Launched in January 2012, the redesign stood for almost another 3 years. My contribution paved the way for other designers, towards the current version IX, released in late 2014. I was entrusted with the copywriting, interaction design, visual design, front-end development (on top of WordPress) and integration with Google Analytics until April 2012.
The homepage before and after the redesign
Wireframe for the plans and pricing page
The mobile apps page, from sketch, to wireframe, to high-fidelity mockup
Final implementation
InvoiceXpress Website

InvoiceXpress Website

Website redesign of InvoiceXpress (IX), an invoicing SaaS. The goal was to not to go overboard with a drastic change in direction, but to create Read More
