A compilation of web-based applications created for various companies
DocOn: Electronic Medical Records (web version)
DocOn's mission is to digitise the healthcare ecosystem, enabling doctors to write e-prescriptions and maintain comprehensive digital records for their patients. They also provide a comprehensive CRM, billing and analytics platform for doctors, which enables them to increase revenue and improve the patient experience.
Acting on the web side, this is a transition from an existing iPad app to web for more widespread access.
Home screen: The doctor lands on this screen to get an overview of what their patient line-up looks like and their analytics
Consult: This is the most used screen, where the doctor wants to see an overview of the patient information and populate it with data following the various steps in the process of diagnosing and treating the patient
Many, many interaction and UI elements

Liv.ai: Web app for creating chatbots
Most chatbots in the market are operating with a hybrid model, where they combine the use of NLP and CI to offer the best UX possible. Using these two as the backbone, a dashboard was created to enable the making of a chatbot based on utterances, intents and entities fed into the system. Under development.
For Liv.ai (now with Flipkart).

Dockup: Web app for creating disposable environments
An application for developers to test and view their code changes. For Codemancers.

Greytip: Employee Self-service
The GreytHR employee portal lets employees view their payroll or leave information and initiate a number of activities like applying for leave, leave cancellation, etc.
Project duration: 2 years

Bonito designs: Web dashboard for internal processes
Bonito is an interior designing firm based in Bangalore. They are an efficient team of designers, account managers, sales and marketing people and support that execute multiple projects while dealing with many clients. My task was to create an internal dashboard that would bring the whole process starting from client interaction to project completion under one roof.
As showcased above, different flows for a particular department (eg. Design) , i.e., Design, Production, Execution and Rejections are assigned to a profile and the view is customised such. Within that, there are sub-departments like creating notes and collecting files, and approaching approval, that are all documented in a linear flow that the team is familiar with.


Various web applications created over time for different startups in healthcare, conversational UI, AI and interior design.
