Shanna Jan's profile

Strava Pre-Interview Design Challenge - Junior Visual

I was given 1 week to create a splash page and a menu screen (from a wireframe) for the Strava App as the apart of the application process for a Junior Visual Designer position.
This is where I landed:
Splash Screen
Menu Screen
The Process:
I started my process with user research; I talked to current and prospective users to gain understanding of what the MVP of the app was, what mattered most, and use cases in which my design will be utilized.
I sketched in my notebook and digitized my sketches so I could further narrow down my design concept and refine on it.
After creating the icons for the UI, I got to working with color and the layout.  I felt like creating my own icons was the best way to visually communicate the items on the menu screen.
Menu Screen Concepts
Three out of many sketches.
Evolution of the Menu Screen
After seeking critique on my designs and reiterating on the strongest concept, I began to refine.
I decided to use the Strava logo as the "Home" button to save on space and redundency and played around with line width, size, and grouping.  
Splash screen concepts
Again, here are three out of many sketches.
Evolution of the Splash Screen
After recieving some critique on my screens, I focused in on my strongest design.
Looking back, there were questions that plauged me while I worked on these screens.  
Questions I wish I asked before kicking off the project:
Is it for iOS? Android?
How did the user get to the menu screen?  How do they return to the previous screen from here?
What do all the icons mean and what are their functions?

I think I would have been able to further customize my design had I made the decision to ask questions and have a delayed kick-off than jumping straight into the project but it's all a learning experience so I can't complain!
Thanks for reading!
Strava Pre-Interview Design Challenge - Junior Visual

Strava Pre-Interview Design Challenge - Junior Visual

This is a pre-interview design challenge case study for the Junior Visual Designer position at Strava. Project Scope: Splash Screen & Menu Scre Read More
