Vega - Vega One
The #OneChange campaign was developed by the in-house creative team at Vega for their flagship product, Vega One. The goal of the campaign was to increase awareness of Vega One and project the tone of the brand. We chose to meet people as they embark upon their New Year's Resolutions. Vega believes that quantum leaps are the result of many baby steps. With that thinking, we decided to make a "fresh start" less daunting by suggesting #OneChange to make a world of a difference.

The campaign identifies four dietary kryptonites and their corresponding character profiles. We then offer a recipe and a tip to combat the nutirtional pitfalls, and a free e-booklet when users sign up for the Vega newsletter.



Whatever your dietary kryptonite, #OneChange is all it takes to start transforming old habits into super habits. Art Direction: Collin McDougal Read More
