Faye Fajardo's profile

The Sword (News Publication)

Preliminary vector graphic logo for my organization's (UP POLSCi) newspaper publication, The Sword. I'm pretty sure this is going to have many revisions, but editor-in-chief said it looked amazing! :) Woohoo
Well, it happened that the first logo looked like it was about some religious thing because apparently the sword looked like a cross, and there was too much emphasis on the word 'word', thus giving an impression that it's about a Christian organization or something like that. 
So here's the reivision! This was what the editor-in-chief chose, though most people I consulted preferred the third one. 
(Note: This was recolored into white though when used on the cover, so the hardwork behind it isn't noticeable. And less impact on the audience I suppose. A sad thing for me to be honest.)
Here's the third one! The editor-in-chief remarked that it looked too bloody to him, though on my part I thought it looked cool. I guess his choice had to do with the palette he chose for the newspaper, and of course the overarching theme.
This took plenty of time to accomplish istg. More than seven hours straight! Initially, the editor-in-chief intended to use the original photo for the newspaper cover, but the color palette (the colors used on the vector graphic) is not coherent with the photo, so I proposed I create a vectorized graphic version. We both knew it would take too much work, but I did it anyway. It was a painstaking endeavor but I enjoyed doing this. I'm glad with how it turned out! 
The cover I proposed be used, but the EIC changed it into a much simpler version, without the org logo and without the links. I initially used white for the logo, but thought it looked better with a dark color. Here's the one with the white color.
A timeline of the events that transpired in summer and first sem. Apparently this was the only page of the 28-paged newspaper I was asked to do. Kind of disappointed to be honest because I was actually stoked to do everything since I was the layout artist :( But he did a good job! Here's the result :)
The timeline version for the external release of the Internals publication.
Cover I made for the externals publication, and yes, again, it was not used. This an abstract concept I made for the word 'politics'. I'm not going to elaborate on the meanings and the symbols because meanings are individually construed. I don't want to box the ideas behind it so go figure them out yourself :)))
I've made tons of revisions on this, ending up with a lot of versions. Scroll along to see them (I won't include some though)
Note: That is a woman + she's holding a bible + It's a burning head + there's a map in the photo. 
The editors wanted it to be minimalistic, so I tried this. However, the concept of politics here is nowhere to be found. 
I was asked to play with it and make a colored version. Apparently, I chose to (slightly) stick to the palette we used for the Internals publication. I changed my interpretation of the word 'politics' here but the EIC told me that he and the other editors really liked the burning globe concept, so he asked me to make another one.
I concentrated on the burning globe concept here, although I slightly changed the idea. I liked this one a tad bit because as you can see, these are the kind of colors I like to use (I am more of a vintage/retro person). Sadly, this was rejected again. 
[Casually inserts rant here]
I just don't say it, but these revisions/layout designs are very tedious and tiring. I always sleep late because I'm really dedicated to work, and I'm working to finally get their approval. It's not as simple as it looks, really. Somehow, I'm getting the idea that someday I'll be encountering this kind of circumstance. Someday I'll have to work in a company, and I'll often be asked to make tons of revisions. Ah, the frustrations of an (self-proclaimed) artist.
This is the last version, and the one that was finally accepted. I'm with the EIC when I made this so it was easier to decide on the colors and whatnot, because I could consult him conveniently. I made the background when I got home. I revised a few things though, upon the EIC's request. I removed some caution tapes and got rid of the divide. I also changed the background into pure white.
Here's the result :)
The Sword (News Publication)

The Sword (News Publication)

Graphics, illustrations, and logos I made for The Sword, a news and writing publication of UP Political Society, an academic organization in the Read More
