Leticia De Freitas's profile

The Butterfly Experience

The butterfly experience in Dunwoody, Atlanta, GA is a truly enchanting event that captures the hearts of both locals and visitors alike. The butterfly experience offers a unique opportunity to witness the beauty and grace of these delicate creatures up close. 

One of the highlights of this annual event is the collection of postcards created by me exclusively for the butterfly experience. These postcards beautifully capture the essence of the event. Each postcard is a work of art, meticulously crafted to evoke a sense of wonder and awe. Visitors can purchase these postcards as a memento of their experience or send them to loved ones, sharing the magic of the butterfly experience in Dunwoody. The postcards serve as a reminder of the fleeting beauty of these creatures and the importance of preserving their habitats for future generations to enjoy.

The butterfly experience in Dunwoody is a cherished tradition that brings joy and inspiration to all who attend. It serves as a reminder of the delicate balance of nature and the wonders that can be found in our own backyard. So, if you find yourself in Atlanta, GA during the time of this enchanting event, be sure to immerse yourself in the butterfly experience and witness the breathtaking beauty of these winged wonders.
The Butterfly Experience


The Butterfly Experience
