Puembo Billboard by Juan Valdez

Juan Valdez entrusted us with the creation of a new billboard to announce their new store at the heart of Puembo. As Art Director and Designer for this project, I had an exhilarating experience. My approach was to craft an image in motion that captures the essence of a playful game with letters and the season's main products. To set the scene, I incorporated an illustration of the Colombian mountains, representing the brand's heritage. The outcome was a compelling piece.

AGENCY: Punto 99
CEO: Javier Reyes
DGC: Santiago Landaburu
Creative: Edwin Tarapuez
Motion Graphics, Creative Design & Art Director KV: Paulo Guzmán
Creative Copywriter: Gonzalo Arrieta / Marìa Elisa 
Creative Designers: Alejandro Flores / Juan Sebastián Bermeo / Pablo Daniel Sierra / Gustavo Hualpa / Martina Torres

Puembo Billboard by Juan Valdez