TropiBurger Billboard

The primary objective of this project was to design a billboard showcasing two marvelous and delicious burgers from the TropiBurger brand. The new key visual was developed in accordance with the rebranding guidelines, featuring a bold typeface against a backdrop of vibrant colors, alongside the product itself. In my capacity as Art Director and Designer, my role was to achieve a harmonious balance between a striking product shot and the brand's assets.

AGENCY: Punto 99
CEO: Javier Reyes
DGC: Santiago Landaburu
Creative: Pablo Olmedo Velarde
Motion Graphics, Creative Design & Art Director KV: Paulo Guzmán
Creative Copywriter: Andrés Ramirez / Gonzalo Arrieta 
Creative Designers: Alejandro Flores / Juan Sebastián Bermeo / Pablo Daniel Sierra / Gustavo Hualpa / Martina Torres
Photography: Hector Romero

TropiBurger Billboard