KONVOYS - Reserva

To demonstrate the details of the assembly quality of Reserva glasses,
we created an entirely 3D project, giving dynamics and fluidity to
the proposal to show every detail and variety of the brand's product.
Our team created solutions in simulations made in Houdini and
Maya to reinforce the handmade product, thus connecting directly
with the user of an exclusively made piece.

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Datasheet ☻

Direction: Gabryel Tarouquela
3D Modeling: Gabryel Tarouquela, Johnny Oliveira
3D Animation: Gabryel Tarouquela, Ricardo Carvalho, Sebastião Vilson Lirio
LookDev: Gabryel Tarouquela​​​​​​​
Post Production Artists: Ricardo Carvalho
Storyboard Artists: Anthony Soares
3D Simulations: Ricardo Carvalho
Softwares: Houdini, Maya, Adobe After Effects

contact ☻ hello@tukstudios.comㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ@tukstudios
#tuk #tukcreativestudios #creativestudios #creative #studios #animacao3d #conceito2d #fotografiapublicitaria #publicidade #modelagem3d #manipulacaodeimagem #posproducao #conteudovr #vr #ar #realidadevirtual #realidadeaumentada #cg #impressao3d #ilustracao #coloracao #packshots #riodejaneiro #rio #reserva #reservaink #oculos #glasses #motion #motion3d #animation #animacao #animação #c4d #cinema4d #maya #moda #vogue #konvoy #3d #brazil #simulation #disney #render #rsv #carnaval #houdini 
KONVOYS - Reserva