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MDRecords EMR OV Visit Redesign

MDRecords Office Visit (OV) Documentation Redesign v4

MDRecords Office Visit (OV) Documentation is the core of Outpatient Documentation, providing a comprehensive Electronic Medical Record (EMR) designed by doctors and IT professionals.

MDRecords Management has recently shifted its focus to target Filipino Healthcare Practitioners. While the EMR is recognized as excellently designed and user-friendly, the change in the target market has led to resistance among Filipino physicians to adopt MDRecords Outpatient EMR. This necessitated the initiation of the MDRecords "localization" project.

As part of this project, the Office Visit Documentation module underwent a significant revision. This portfolio provides an overview of the work done from the perspective of UI/UX design.

Why are we building this?

Problems of the current system
Description of Problems encountered with status quo

The MDRecords’ status quo is said to be “too comprehensive” for the Filipino Medical Practitioners.
Despite the effort to educate the users on how the EMR can make their documentation more effective and efficient, there’s signs of user resistance to utilization.

OV visit documentation needs from US and Philippines are different.
The current OV system is designed based on the needs of the healthcare practitioners in the United States where documentations are comprehensive for Obamacare law & company’s regulations compliance. Documentations are important artifacts that brings funds to the facilities.

Whereas, after conducting user research, it is found out that in the Philippines, most OV consultations happens within a short period - making comprehensive documentation a disadvantage for a significant number of potential users. The need for comprehensive documentation is appreciated but efficiency must not be compromised.

MDRecords OV Documentation v1 screenshot: "All modules are open & ready" version

MDRecords OV Documentation v1 screenshot: "All modules are open & ready" version - Inputs accepted

What are we missing out?
What will happen if we don’t build this? 

1. Inefficient Documentation: Without localization, practitioners may struggle with a system designed for a different healthcare context, leading to inefficient documentation practices and potentially compromising patient care.
2. Resistance and User Frustration: Lack of adaptation to local needs may lead to user resistance and frustration among Filipino medical practitioners, reducing the overall acceptance and adoption of the EMR system.
3. Decreased Productivity: The comprehensive nature of the current system may lead to longer documentation times for OV consultations, reducing the number of patients a practitioner can see in a given time, and impacting overall productivity.
4. Missed Revenue Opportunities: If practitioners find the system too time-consuming or cumbersome, they might resort to paper-based documentation or alternative methods, potentially leading to missed opportunities for accurate billing and revenue generation.
5. Compliance Issues: Failure to localize may result in non-compliance with local regulations and practices, leading to potential legal issues or fines, particularly if the system is designed based on U.S. healthcare regulations.
6. Extended Learning Curve: Filipino medical practitioners may face a steep learning curve due to the system's mismatch with their workflow, resulting in additional time and resources spent on training and adapting to the EMR.

Who are we building it for?

Medication Practitioners User Epics & Stories

As a local medical practitioner, I want to document the patient consultation with my usual documentation pattern so that I can accommodate more patients.

User story # 1: As a local Medical practitioner, I want to see the most recent relevant record (past reason for visit, vital signs, diagnosis, etc.) of my patient so that I get to compare and see the changes.

User story # 2: As a local Medical practitioner, I need to review the medical history so I can use it to make informed decisions

User story # 3: As a local Medical practitioner, I have to review my past notes so that I can update it as necessary

and more…

As a local medical Practitioner, I want to document the consultation comprehensively but also quick so that I can comply to my requirements while tending on my patient’s needs.

User story # 1: As a local medical practitioner, I want to do my own templating so that get to do more since I’m familiar with it 

User story # 2: As a local medical practitioner, I need to adjust to my company’s required documentation so that I can comply with it

User story # 3: As a local medical practitioner, I want to minimize my documentation backlogs so I can allot more time to other things.

and more…


Focus Group Discussions
1. Engaged local medical practitioners in group discussions.
2. Explored experiences, preferences, and challenges with the current EMR.
3. Gathered qualitative insights into user attitudes and expectations, particularly in the context of OV documentation.

Contextual Interview
1. Conducted one-on-one interviews in the practitioners' workplaces.
2. Observed and discussed actual OV documentation workflows.
3. Uncovered specific pain points and contextual nuances relevant to Filipino medical practitioners.

Task Analysis
1. Analyzed OV documentation processes through task breakdown.
2. Identified and prioritized tasks and subtasks for efficiency.
3. Examined time and effort requirements, pinpointing bottlenecks and areas for improvement.

Site Visits
1. Visited healthcare facilities in the Philippines using MDRecords.
2. Observed real-world interactions with the EMR in local environments.
3. Identified challenges related to infrastructure, connectivity, and site-specific factors.

1. Developed interactive prototypes based on user insights.
2. Visually represented proposed changes to the OV documentation interface.
3. Iteratively refined prototypes with user feedback from focus groups, interviews, and task analysis.
4. Tested and validated prototypes to ensure alignment with user expectations and effective resolution of identified issues.

Sample Paper Prototyping
 User flow diagram & Prototyping
 Focus group discussion, Site visits, Progress Monitoring through User stories & Tasks

 High-fidelity Prototype Screenshots: The "Segmented modules" version


Given the additional information that some Filipino physicians have decided to start using MDRecords after a demonstration, we can incorporate this positive outcome into the predicted results:

Focus Group Discussions
Result: Identified common themes and patterns in user experiences and preferences.
Insights: Practitioners may express a desire for more flexibility in documentation, quicker methods, and a system that aligns closely with their workflow (E.g. adding of disposition, contributors, & diagrams).
Additional Insight: Positive feedback from some physicians who have already started using MDRecords after the demonstration, indicating initial acceptance.

Contextual Interview
Result: Uncovered specific challenges in the OV documentation process and observed real-time practitioner workflows.
Insights: Identified pain points related to the comprehensive nature of the current system, potential inefficiencies, and specific requirements unique to the Filipino healthcare context.
Additional Insight: Demonstrated effectiveness of MDRecords in addressing concerns raised during initial discussions, leading to adoption by some physicians.

Task Analysis
Result: Identified key tasks and subtasks in OV documentation, highlighting areas of inefficiency and potential improvements.
Insights: Discovered bottlenecks in the documentation process, potentially related to extensive data entry or complex navigation within the system.
Additional Insight: Task analysis may reveal areas that have been positively impacted by the changes made based on feedback from physicians who started using MDRecords.

Site Visits
Result: Gathered insights into the practical challenges practitioners face in real-world settings.
Insights: Discovered infrastructure-related issues, connectivity challenges, or any discrepancies between the system's design and its actual usage in the local healthcare facilities.
Additional Insight: Positive reception during site visits with physicians choosing to adopt MDRecords, indicating that the system is meeting real-world needs.

Result: Developed and refined interactive prototypes based on user feedback.
Insights: Users may appreciate features like customizable templates, quicker documentation options, and an interface tailored to their specific needs. Iterations should align closely with their expectations.
Additional Insight: Prototyping feedback may highlight specific features that contributed to the decision of some physicians to adopt MDRecords.


Screenshot of OV Documentation Initial view

Screenshot of adjusting CTA buttons to accommodate various documentation preferences

Screenshots of importing user-defined templates to OV documentation

Screenshots of two (2) of newly added modules to address user needs & insights

Screenshot of sample OV documentation with just Reason for visit, Review of Systems,
Disposition, and Contributions as user inputs.

Screenshot of "Finalized" notes landing page

Screenshots of importing Reason of Visit from the Visit history

MDRecords EMR OV Visit Redesign