Getting Perspective with Sam Averill
The first Perspective I played with was Focus. I was going for more of a Linear Perspective I decided it was more focused, based on how in focus my dog was and how blurry the background got. 
The next image I have is an Aerial Perspective. I got this shot by utilizing the sun from the window along with the fake plant in my living room. Overall I liked how this one turned out, it has a sort of hazy look to it which I enjoy. 
Lastly, we have Relative size. With this shot, I tried to make the Lego surfboard and cooler look bigger than the car. When taking the photo I had to place the car far behind what I had set up and lowered my camera settings to f/5. I do think I could've gotten the image more in focus but I'm gad with how it turned out in the end. 
Here are some honourable mentions that didn't quite make the cut that I still really liked. (and yes, my dog did get treats for the modelling she did)
Perspective Play

Project Made For

Perspective Play
