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Election 2010 Behind the Scenes

Alastair Stewart and Julie Etchingham in the green studio
The virtual studio at ITN uses a set of tracked cameras which know where they are in 3D space. All of this tracking data is processed and fed to renderers. With VizRt Studio and some clever 'under the bonnet innovation' we create virtual live 3D graphics which give the appearance of studio which works exactly like a real one, albeit with the added flexibility to move assets round relatively easily. The are many downsides to working in virtual,
but this was our preferred solution for this project. We were able to populate information graphics in key areas.
The Virtual Wall
Julie Etchingam rehearsing her use of the Battleground, and yes, she is ACTUALLY controlling it
Two touchscreen are fed with graphics for Julie to control.
Individual camera tracking targets in the ceiling
We made a lot of use of the job camera to get around the studio. The touchscreen controlled by Julie at the egde of the green screen
The Desk
Bespoke touchscreen
Alastair Stewart was able to control his own graphics a bespoke UI
My desk for live playout on election night
Election 2010 Behind the Scenes