Horovod (which means round dance in Russian) is a vodkaroom in Saint Petersburg city center with its own experimental tinctures and spirits, classic snacks, hot dishes and hangover breakfasts on weekends. 

My task was to create and develop its identity using already existing logo, wherewith I made the letters do “horovod”.

Two styles of a geometric sans serif typeface were designed as a part of visual identity to give Horovod its ​​​​​​​unique tone and match the letter "O" shape in the logo.

Horovod's merch was designed to look more fun and playful than the rest of the visual identity. After all, why not have fun while wearing it? The print shows logo letters drawn in a cartoon-like style doing a round dance together.


Identity | Typeface design: Daria Chertanova 
lllustration: Daria Chertanova  
Art direction
| Photos: AF Brew team

Contact me: instagram | telegram



