Sobe Okoye's profile

Entertain My Soul

An experience crafted by Sobe
"Pierce through the Darkness" 

'Entertain My Soul,' is a captivating odyssey through the realm of spirituality, inviting viewers to ponder the profound interconnection between the cosmos and the innermost recesses of their beings. This multi-dimensional exploration delves into questions about our place in the universe, the dichotomy between our physical and mental selves, and the enduring journey of faith and belief. 

Humanity has forever been entangled in the enigma of existence, perpetually seeking the origins of our spirit. Does our essence originate from the tangible shell of our body, or does it emerge from the intangible corridors of our spirit? As we navigate this enigmatic landscape, we are challenged to contemplate our relationship with the vast universe that surrounds us. Are we merely isolated individuals in a boundless expanse, or is there a cosmic thread that unites us to the greater whole? It is during our darkest moments, when we are shrouded in shadows and despair, that we yearn for illumination. What is the light that pierces through this darkness, guiding us to understanding and revelation? 'Entertain My Soul' encourages us to transcend the confines of our physical forms and embark on a metaphysical journey that delves into the depths of our consciousness. 

This project is not merely visual; it's visceral. It doesn’t just aim to be seen but to be felt. As you immerse in its depth, you aren't merely observers; but become participants, engaging with both the external and internal spectacles. To experience a dance with one's soul, a rhythm of introspection and enlightenment. 'Entertain My Soul' was created as a reminder that, in the realm of spirituality, the journey itself is a form of entertainment—an odyssey that entertains the soul and transforms the observer's perception of the universe, the self, and the interplay between the two."
The Sun or Sol, is a seemingly eternal source of light that gives life to everything in humanities perceivable Universe.

Much like the Sun, we are composed of stardust formed at the universe's inception; as humans we perceive ourselves as distinct individuals with souls.

In a way, the Sun can be likened to a pulsating heart, serving as the central system that provides energy, much like our bodies do for us, but on a universal scale.

This leads me to ponder a question, does the Sun possess a soul? I felt it was fitting to begin the project "Entertain My Soul" in collaboration with David Gagoh (the musician) with the center of our Universe, "The Sol."

Entertain My Soul


Entertain My Soul
