I was requested by the art director to create a geo pattern with a playful mosaic/tile note. The past year most of Colora's customers preferred geometric designs for their future connections so we were tasked to create more geos and leave florals aside for a while.

The creative rights, printing rights, distribution and selling rights of the pattern designs below are being owned by Colora SA and their clients if they ever buy one of the designs for their collection's production. Copying, editing or reselling is strictly forbidden by Colora SA and their respective clients, and it will be persecuted legally if needed be.

The final result ended up being a multi-purpose design, not just for textile like the customers wanted at first to be printed for shirts or dresses. The shapes and bold colours would look even greater on athletic wear or even leather handbags.
Food packaging, like candy or chocolate wrappers gave it a really nice pop feeling.
With a white background & more earthy tones, it would work great for cosmetic packaging.
Playful Geos


Playful Geos
