We were asked to work on animal themed prints, especially feathered ones as they were trending for next year. I worked only using Photoshop for this design, from the beginning to the end. I hand drawn the feathers using gouache and watercolour like digital brushes and blenders, then set up the repetition, created the shadows, edited colours.
Reference photo on the left above, and finished finished pattern. At first I had drawn it with purple and dark hues as I wanted to make it look as similar as possible to the photo. I really liked that iridescent effect the peacock's feathers had, however the colours did not match the coming seasonal trends. Bellow you can see the final colour versions.

The creative rights, printing rights, distribution and selling rights of the pattern designs below are being owned by Colora SA and their clients if they ever buy one of the designs for their collection's production. Copying, editing or reselling is strictly forbidden by Colora SA and their respective clients, and it will be persecuted legally if needed be.
Peacock Feathers


Peacock Feathers
