Conceptualization: This stage captures the initial spark of inspiration that emerged amid the 2020 pandemic. The concept portrays a couple trapped together against their will, symbolizing the constraints and lack of personal space caused by the pandemic. 
Evolving from Concept to Realism: Building upon the initial sketch, this phase focuses on refining the figures into a more realistic depiction. Although the direct resemblance to a coronavirus is reduced, the essence of the concept remains
Acrylic Expression on Canvas: Here, the original concept takes shape on canvas through acrylic painting. The form of the idea is preserved, allowing viewers to connect with the couple's experience of confinement and limited freedom during the pandemic.
Venturing into the 3D Realm: This stage marks the artist's foray into the realm of 3D art using tools like Nomad Sculpt and ZBrush. The first attempt involves transforming the 2D concept into a 3D object.
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The concept of a trapped couple, representing the constraints and lack of personal space we all felt during firs pandemic. Their intertwined form Read More
