Made in Inkscape 1.3 in about 10-15 minutes. Decided to change the name from "Space Brigade" as it turns out that's a real thing after all. Plus, it now gives an extra significance to the 3 most prominent stars in the image. 
Another Inkscape "doodle" this time using an image of a brain from Henry Gray's Anatomy of the Human Body. 
"Rhinoceros 3" Left side made in Inkscape. Right side made in SketchUp. 
Trying out the noise filters. I prefer the one in Affinity Designer, but this does give you a few more options to work with. 
Handshakes optional. 
Some people just don't. 
I don't always do fanart, but when I do, I make it count. 
Started as an experiment to create a convincing gold texture, wound up with this interesting little "tri-leaf" shape. 
Part of a legibility test for an Instagram post. 
Mayweather Investments: What's on your horizon? 
Inkscape Dump

Inkscape Dump
