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User Management System using Node, Express and mongoDB

User Management Application using Node, Express and mongoDB

The user management application is a web-based system developed using Node.js and MongoDB designed to efficiently manage user data in a flexible and a scalable manner. It serves as a basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) application enabling users to perform various operations on user records such as adding new users, viewing existing users, updating user information and deleting user records. The application leverages Node.js, a powerful and lightweight server-side JavaScript runtime, for building the backend server and handling http requests. MongoDB a popular NoSQL database, is utilized to store and retrieve user data in a document-oriented manner, providing the flexibility to work with large sets of distributed data efficiently.

The frontend of the User Management Application is developed using the EJS (Embedded JavaScript) template engine, allowing for dynamic generation of HTML content and seamless integration of server-side data. The application features a responsive design, ensuring a consistent user experience across various devices. Key features of the User Management Application include the ability to create new user records by providing essential details such as name, email, gender and status. Users can view a list of all existing users with their respective information and they can also update user details as needed. Moreover, the application offers the option to delete user records that are no longer required. By combining the power of Node.js, MongoDB and EJS, the User Management Application offers a user friendly and efficient solution for managing user data in applications such as content management systems, modern web development, IoT applications and real time analytics. 

In conclusion, the User Management Application presents a practical implementation of a Node.j based web application, showcasing the seamless integration of MogoDB for data management. This project serves as a foundational example for developers seeking to build similar user management systems or exploring the capabilities of Node.js and MogoDB in their projects.

View Users Page
New User Page
Inserting data into New User Page
Saving the New User
Viewing the Saved User
Update User Page
Saving Updated User
Delete User
User Management System using Node, Express and mongoDB

User Management System using Node, Express and mongoDB
