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Character redesign

Character redesign of a manga/anime character called Devilman. Devilman is a Japanese manga series created by Go Nagai. It tells the story of Akira Fudo, a young man who becomes a powerful demon-human hybrid. The series explores themes of good versus evil, identity, and the nature of humanity.Devilman has been adapted into various forms of media, including multiple anime series, films, and OVAs. One of the most notable adaptations is the 1972 anime series titled "Devilman," which gained popularity for its unique art style and dark storytelling which I took as the base model for the re-design. The original character does not bear any clothing nor a weapon so I decided to add some armour that would be vital in protecting him and serving as practical in story too. I also added a sycthe to him as it fits the character.
Character redesign


Character redesign
