PluginPlay - Curves Animation

Curves - PluginPlay Animation
O pessoal do PluginPlay nos chamou para fazer uma animação sobre o Curves, um plugin de After Effects que eles desenvolveram. É sempre muito desafiante fazer uma animação para animadores. Porque o público alvo sempre terá bons olhos para o que é uma boa animação. Mas o desafio foi aceito e nos divertimos muito no processo.

The people at PluginPlay called us to make an animation about Curves, an After Effects plugin they developed. It's always very challenging to make an animation for animators. Because the target audience will always have a good eye for good animation. But the challenge was accepted and we had a lot of fun in the process.

PluginPlay - Curves Animation

PluginPlay - Curves Animation

PluginPlay called us to make an animation about Curves, an After Effects plugin they developed.
