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Acer Swift Promo Video

Acer Swift Promo Video

打破制式想法,不斷成長、嘗試各種風格的JP SPACE Studio,榮幸於今年與Acer一同攜手為Swift系列筆記型電腦打造令人驚喜、耳目一新的廣告作品。Acer Swift這次推出三款機型:GO、X、Edge ,以三位不同國籍角色,各自將產品的獨特魅力展現不同特色。
輕巧、便利的「GO」與青春洋溢的亞裔滑板女孩。卓越效能搭載電影級色彩的「X」與迷人沈穩的歐裔影像創作者。俐落美型、無與倫比工作效能的「Edge 」與知性魅力的拉美裔女性主管;透過角色與產品特性緊密結合,呈現出各自特質。
作品結合實拍、後期合成、客製化廣告配樂強化整體影像核心、更貼近三款機型特色。JP SPACE Studio團隊不斷地進步,期待可以透過作品,帶領觀者看見、聽見更精彩的視聽感受。

As always outdoing itself, JP SPACE Studio is thrilled to team up with Acer this year to create an unexpected and refreshing advertising campaign for the laptop Swift series. Acer Swift is launching three models: GO, X, and Edge, each represented by our three characters of different genders, ethnicities and personalities, therefore showcasing the charm and features of each laptop in a unique way.
The lightweight and practical "GO" laptop is presented to you by a lively Taiwanese female skateboarder. The high-performing, cinema-grade color "X" laptop is matched with a charming and creative French male visual artist. Lastly, the sleek and work-efficient "Edge" laptop joins forces with an intellectual and charismatic Dominican female executive. Each character collaborates closely with their working tool, which embodies their individuals qualities and personal style.
This project combines live-action footage, post-production visual effects, and a customized soundtrack to enhance the overall audiovisual experience and highlight the unique features of the three laptops. The JP SPACE Studio team is constantly aiming to reach further and looks forward to providing viewers with even more exciting works in the future.





Directed by 宇宙潔癖有限公司 JP SPACE Studio ⁡
創意總監:蔣承翰 Cheng-Han Chiang ⁡
導演:蔣承翰 Cheng-Han Chiang ⁡
監製:太陽 Sunkaikai ⁡
製片:王祥瑋 Yellow ⁡
執行製片:陳東良 Chen Tung Liang ⁡
製片助理:賴芃衫 Meggie、李紹安 Shao An Lee ⁡
攝影指導:周家祺 Zhou Jiachi ⁡
攝大助:林川哲 AZheLin ⁡
攝影助理:鄭家明 Chia-Ming Cheng、呂昭宏 Gibson Lyu,Jhao-Hong、蕭世豪 Hsiao Shih-Hao ⁡
平面攝影:鄭安修 Cheng An Hsiu ⁡
平面攝影助理:陳東良 Chen Tung Liang⁡
燈光師:彭嘉慶 Emile Peng ⁡
燈光大助:張星培 Chang Hsing Pei ⁡
燈光助理:江冠陞 Jiang, Guan-Sheng、朱家葆 Bryan Chu、吳鎮宇 Wu, Cheng-Yu⁡
美術指導:蘇翊豪 Laz Su ⁡
美術執行:陳品瑞 Hat Chen ⁡
美術助理:賴欣汝 Shin-Ru, Lai ⁡
造型師:董子瑄 Tung Tzu hsuan ⁡
造型助理:黃蕊 Jui Huang ⁡
妝髮師:許家綺 Chia Chi Hsu ⁡
梳化助理:魏凱廷 Wei Kai Ting⁡
燈光器材:好好拍影業有限公司 HaoHaoFilm ⁡
燈光器材:仙人掌影業 Cactus Studio、柳松影像 WillowPine Lighting Studio ⁡
場務器材:永祥影視器材 ⁡​​​​​​​
演員:林湘芸 Ashley、Nei Li、Pamelha
後期導演:江光健 Chiang Kuang Jian ⁡
剪接:哭米 Kumi Chiu ⁡
調光:哭米 Kumi Chiu ⁡
美術設定:鄭麗華 Cheng Li Hua ⁡
美術助理:陳維琳 Irene Chen ⁡
3D動畫師:陳威廷 Chen Wei Ting ⁡
合成動畫師:江光健 Chiang Kuang Jian、王芳俊 Wang Fang Chun ⁡
分鏡繪圖:徐幼禹 Hsu Yu Yu⁡
配樂製作:徐平 Ping Hsu ⁡
編曲:徐平 Ping Hsu ⁡
混音:徐平 Ping Hsu ⁡
音效設計:徐平 Ping Hsu⁡

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Acer Swift Promo Video

Acer Swift Promo Video
