這件藝術作品來自於生成式AI-dufussion model對藝術家的啟發。在 雜訊地景中,藝術家將AI視為一個共創者,讓它解讀他影像作品中來自土地的雜訊,並透過降噪的原理,進一步詮釋其背後的意義。
第二步便是讓AI再造影像-如同AI透過Denoise的方式去推測出最終圖像,藝術家希望AI也能透過降噪的原理,看到視覺背後隱藏的事物。他透過ChatGPT產生兩岸關係、社會事件、科技經濟等面向的關鍵標題,然後將這些標題作為提示詞(prompts)丟入圖形AI中,以圖生圖的方式產生一系列的偽新影像。這些影像是由CG錄像裡、從人造表象中再次生成的二次創作-包括了戰爭、社運、疫情和科技等等場景。這些影像無需精確,是為 “AI的台灣印象。最後藝術家將這些prompts再次以ChatGPT轉換為數百字的文稿,並以多種語言的電子音朗讀,以呈現多元的"雜訊"效果。
這件作品最主要的部份就此完成了-新嘗試是將藝術家感受到的現實雜音,以人類大腦黑盒轉成一個CG裝置;之後將AI當成是它者去解讀人造影像的內在;當它幫我們將龐雜的外在降噪(Denoise)後,看到的是甚麼? 這就是這件作品的核心價值了。

Inspired by generative AI, the artwork "Noise Landscapes" positions AI as a co-creator. The artist interprets the "noise from the society in Taiwan", utilizing denoising principles for nuanced insights.
Initially, the artist used 3D tools to represent a fantasy topography of Taiwan, featuring talking faces and glitch effects at major cities, expressing the social noises from this island. This 3D topography became a conceptual animated installation. Through this 3D animation installation, the artist has created a series of imaginary images based on his perspective.
Then, using AI tools, the artist regenerated the images and delved into hidden meanings. First the artist used ChatGPT to create keywords of Taiwan, then produced imaginary news images depicting cross-strait relations, social events by stable diffusion AI based on the keyword and the images created in 3d. In the end the artist transforms these keywords into a multi-lingual electronic news voice, offering a diverse "noise" effect.
Through this series of complex processes, ultimately, the artist uses AI to unveil the hidden meaning of the human-made images and has created a different perspective beyond the human viewpoint.
C16-Noise Landscape

C16-Noise Landscape
