Art direction for the Web3 project DEATH + BEYOND

DEATH + BEYOND is a visual representation of their depiction of the universe we live in, then what is found in DEATH + BEYOND. This partnership contains multiple series and airdrops that act as narrative NFTs and unravel the universe of these two creative minds for collectors.
DEATH + BEYOND begins with history and storytelling, moving into branding and intellectual property growth, where characters and stories develop as the collection unravels over time.
I created some promotional illustrations that built the Lore of the project and told the stories of the characters.
Everything is Loss
The sacrifice of revival
Power over the death
Your life is mine
What the future lies
Knowing the unknown
Paying the price
Praise the sun
The Aliance
The Big tournament
I miss you
Create this piece Inspired by Edward Hopper's Nighthawks that gave access to the project.
Death + Beyond races and tribes

Primitive species in the universe but crucial in the cycle of life, death + beyond. They are able to
take a glimpse into the future. With abilities that give them prior knowledge of what’s to come,
they have been deemed to be a highly advanced species, always prepared. However, the one
mystery unknown is what lies after death.

Scavengers of the universe and masters of battle. Wanderers have no home, always seeking
refuge across the universe in search for the tome of life. It is said that their ancestors have hidden
the secrets to the tome of life in the valley of death, but until this day, none have succeeded on
their search.

A tribe of few words. Sorcerers only speak the language of the mystical arts. It is said that
sorcerers are forbidden from using their magical staffs that cannot be seen by mere mortals. Their
staffs are always hidden beneath their robes, but, what happens when one sees their staff? No
one has lived to tell the tale

Healers of the universe, clerics possess the knowledge to heal and cure ANY sickness in any
quadrant of the universe, but always be weary, they come with a hefty price.

Created by living beings once, living through eons, Borgs have outlived the tale of time and
experience the curse of Death + Beyond. Neither living nor dead, they set to wander the universe
finding purpose to existence.

Noids are built different. They possess the ability to conjure energy from the sun and moon
making them forever powered on. Warning! Warning! As the sun brings out the best of Noids, the
Moon... not so much.

Conjugators of Death Magic, necromancers are no strangers to death and what lies beyond. It is
said that the necro elders have existed before time and hold the secrets to reanimation. Do not be
fooled, with every life it gives there is always a death it takes.
Enchanters are masters of the universe. They understand the flow of life, giving them the ability to
control outcomes for the living. Pray you never come across an enchanter, for they will fool you
trice, yet still, shame on you.

Death + Beyond


Death + Beyond
