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Selestia : The fearsome battle angel

The fearsome battle angel
There was a battle angel named Selestia who had been blessed with beauty and grace that was unmatched by any other angel. Her wings sparkled in the sunlight, and her sword glowed with an ethereal light. She was the most formidable warrior in the celestial realms, feared by demons and revered by her fellow angels.

One day, an army of demons descended upon the heavens, seeking to conquer and destroy all that was good. Selestia was at the forefront of the battle, leading the charge against the demonic horde. Her wings beat furiously, carrying her into the fray, and her sword sang through the air as she struck down demon after demon.

Despite their numbers, the demons could not match the strength and skill of Selestia. She fought with a ferocity that left even her fellow angels awed.

As the battle raged on, Lyra began to feel the strain of the fight. Her wings grew heavy, and her arm grew tired from wielding her sword. But she did not falter, even as demons closed in on all sides. With a fierce cry, she summoned all her remaining strength and unleashed a devastating attack that decimated the enemy ranks.

As the last of the demons fell, Selestia sank to her knees, her wings folding around her tired body. But she had emerged victorious, her beauty and strength a testament to the power of the angels.

From that day on, Selestia was known as the most fearsome battle angel of all. Her legend lived on for centuries, a shining example of what could be achieved through courage and determination.
Selestia : The fearsome battle angel

Selestia : The fearsome battle angel
