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Catch The Intruder UX Case Study

Problem Statement & Pain Point:
My friend recently got his IPHONE & I got my Android snatched by robbers. He was able to catch the intruders by using the 
"Find my Iphone" Option but I wasn't able to get mine because Android doesn't have that option.

I am giving the idea of catch the intruder app that might be given a reality by the App Developers.
But it's an app that will fake a scenario for the robber and give his possibly catchable data to the peers of the actual phone's owner.
This way the chances of catching the robber will be much higher.

Track your phone via a google map API, even if the intruder has turned it off, which he most likely will.
When the intruder tries to turn the phone off by tapping twice, it will automatically take a selfie from the front camera, given that you've provided the access to the camera.
Your data + dynamic mobile phone's location will be sent to the emergency contact you've given to the application.
This is the page where you can add multiple emergency contacts who will receive the data in case the forbidden incident happens.
You can allow different options to make the app more stringent for helping you out in time of need.
Intruder Scenario: He/She robs your phone and tries to power it off, the fake shutdown scenario occurs and on 1st click nothing happens, on second click the phone turns off fakely but takes a selfie of the intruder/robber.
The selfie & the location of the mobile phone is now received by the emergency saviour's contact.
Follow the exact location where your moblile phone is & catch the intruder.
Catch The Intruder UX Case Study


Catch The Intruder UX Case Study
