chutipa karnnasuta's profile

Unsolicited Ads Copy Ideas

*Unsolicited Work

Product: Energy Bar
Target Audience: Busy Working People
What was done: The ads use a clock and an online calendar to make the visuals relatable to busy working individuals. The tone of the ad is friendly and approachable, encouraging self-care without the guilt of sacrificing time. The product is integrated into the context of time, emphasizing its effortless integration into even the busiest work schedules. Recharge and refresh while still powering through the day.
Image Attribution:,,​​​​​​​
Product: Doughnut
The Prompt: Create an ads to promote a Valentines’ day discount campaign
What was done:  Inspired by the beloved [Mr. Donut’s] ‘pondering’. The poster is filled with wordplays related to a ring and a marriage proposal, tastes so good you should says ‘yes.’
Unsolicited Ads Copy Ideas


Unsolicited Ads Copy Ideas


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