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OWWA Scholarship Application Open Now to Apply

The Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA) is now Accepting Applications for its OFW dependents scholarship programs

OWWA offers Scholarships, Insurance and Education Program for OFWs and their Dependants. their programs offer the Skills for Employment Scholarship Program or SESP.

SESP (Skills for Employment Scholarship Program) is a Scholarship Program which offers to the Dependents of the OWWA Members. To make the Possible Scholarship. OWWA is now Collaborated with TESDA in this Program.

The Official Facebook Page of OWWA has recently posted the opening Skills for Employment Scholarship Program(ESP).

SESP Will give Technical or Vocational Training for the Assistance to Qualified active members and Dependents in any of the TESDA-Accredited Training Centers and other Government Training Institutions.

Scholarship Benefits:
Active OWWA members and Dependents will receive Maximum of P14,500.

Necessary Documentary?
Application form
2×2 colored ID Photo (2 copies)
Two valid ID
Diploma, High School Report Card or any document to prove that you graduated in High School
Proof of relationship to the OFW member
Birth Certificate of the applicant, for the dependent of OFW
Birth Certificate of the Applicant and OFW, for the sibling of OFW
Marriage certificate for the spouse of OFW
Certificate of No Marriage (CENOMAR) of OFW, if single

How to Apply for SESP?

To Apply for SESP, Qualified individuals must follow the steps which are given Below:

Step 1 : Those who are willing to apply Visit the Nearest OWWA office in you are area.
Step 2 : ID or Passport (Present) at the Education and training Unit for a Verification of the Membership Record. Must submit the Accomplished Application form and other Requirements.

Step 3: Those who are applied, Wait for the issuance of (NOA) Notice of Award.
Step 4: Avail the Tech-Voc Course you Preferred.

Medicare is a health insurance program in the United States that primarily provides coverage for people who are 65 and older, as well as some younger individuals with certain disabilities and medical conditions. It was established in 1965 and is managed by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

Medicare is divided into several parts:
Medicare Part A: This covers inpatient hospital stays, skilled nursing facility care, hospice care, and some home health care services.

Medicare Part B: This covers outpatient medical services, such as doctor visits, preventive care, lab tests, medical equipment, and some home health care services.

Medicare Part C (Medicare Advantage): These are private health plans that offer all the benefits of Parts A and B, and often include prescription drug coverage (Part D) as well as additional benefits like dental, vision, and fitness programs.

Medicare Part D: This is prescription drug coverage, available through private insurance companies approved by Medicare.
Medicare beneficiaries typically pay premiums, deductibles, and copayments for their coverage, although the costs vary depending on the specific plan chosen. The program provides essential health care coverage for millions of Americans, helping to ensure access to necessary medical services.

Golf is a popular sport played around the world. It involves hitting a small ball into a series of holes on a course using a variety of clubs, with the goal of completing the course with the fewest strokes possible.

Key elements of golf include:
Golf Courses: Golf is typically played on a course with 9 or 18 holes. Courses vary in design, with natural landscapes like hills, bunkers, water hazards, and rough areas adding to the challenge.

Clubs: Golfers use a set of clubs, each with different characteristics and intended for different types of shots. Common clubs include drivers, irons, wedges, and putters.

Scoring: Golfers aim to complete each hole in as few strokes as possible. The total number of strokes across all holes determines the player's score. Par is the predetermined number of strokes an expert golfer is expected to complete a hole or course in.

Etiquette and Rules: Golf has a set of rules and etiquette that players are expected to follow. This includes considerations like maintaining a good pace of play, repairing divots and ball marks, and showing respect for other players on the course.

Competitions: Golf can be played casually or competitively. There are professional golf tours around the world, including the PGA Tour in the United States and the European Tour, where top players compete for prize money and prestige.

Health Benefits: Golf is often enjoyed for its recreational and social aspects, but it also offers health benefits such as cardiovascular exercise, improved balance and coordination, and stress relief from being outdoors in nature.

Overall, golf is a sport that appeals to people of all ages and skill levels, offering opportunities for both relaxation and competition.

OWWA Scholarship Application Open Now to Apply

OWWA Scholarship Application Open Now to Apply


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