Adnan Alper Demirci's profile - Personal website

My previous personal website had some problems:

· It didn't use the screen estate effectively in desktop mode: Half of the screen was blank image.
· A long text greeted the visitors, "about" page and the homepage was the same.
· All of the elements were out of emphasis.

So I started a redesign in 2016. I bought a new domain in 2018. I was only able to publish the website after many radical changes and iterations in 2020. But the result solves the problems mentioned above:

· New fluid design utilises every inch of the screen regardless of screen size.
· Minimalist attitude that eliminates long greeting texts and menu items. I define myself instead with a custom WordPress post type "Personas", as I call them. Each persona define an aspect of my life, and I share small posts under each persona. So it is a richer, more organised alternative to an "about me" article.
· Everything is big "enough". In desktop, text is really big as we humans have some distance to the monitor. As the device gets smaller, the distance is also smaller, so the text also gets smaller. Hierarchy among the elements is clean, emphases on titles and introductory text are high.
Main page, desktop. Below are mobile versions:
Persona page (custom post). Each persona tells another part of me. I also use it for portfolio purposes in some of the personas.
Category page.
Tags page.
Blog article.
End of the blog article. Yes, I have a sticky table of contents. 
I currently really like what I have done especially in terms of responsive web design. This version also enabled me to grow confidence in SCSS, JavaScript and jQuery as I wrote some features from scratch such as table-of-contents and lightbox, utilised and customised popular libraries such as Lodash, Masonry and InfiniteScroll.

This version of my personal website facilitates visitors to know about me as well as showcases my magazine articles and blog posts much better than the previous version. - Personal website

Owner - Personal website
