Ivan Lesh's profile

Geequotes app design & case study

Geequotes is a graduation project task for the UX/UI course I took in 2021. The task was to research, analyse and, according to the data, design an app that would show fun and geeky quotes from various franchises and popular movies, TV shows, books or games. The interface design is heavily influenced by Material design but overall concept, element placement, colour schemes as well as the complete information architecture and branding is entirely mine.

The majority of the background UX research and documentation is in Croatian while the app prototype is in English because its intended users are imagined to be from all over the world.

If the case study is not loading properly, click here to open it in Figma

Ciljevi i vremenski slijed projekta: 
Project goals and deadlines:
Početno istraživanje:
Initial research:
Arhitektura informacija: 
Information architecture:
Ciljevi i korisnički zahtjevi:
Goals and user requirements:
Mapa korisničkog iskustva + persona:
User experience journey + persona:
Sadržaj aplikacije:
App content (copy):
Wireframe (lo-fi):
Low fidelity wireframe:
Prototip (mid-fi):
Mid fidelity prototype:
Testiranje prototipa:
Prototype testing:
Mood board + mood statement: 
Sučelje aplikacije + prototip (hi-fi):
App interface + prototype (high fidelity):
Komponente aplikacije:
App components:
Geequotes interaktivni prototip:
Geequotes interactive prototype
Prototype not loading? Click here to open it in Figma!
Geequotes app design & case study


Geequotes app design & case study
