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Freelancers Handbook

Freelancer's Handbook: A Survive And Thrive Guide For Beginners In Creative Industries. Written, edited and published by Pete Simcoe. The book is designed to help those thinking of or currently in the process of becoming self employed in the creative sector. It is typically focused on content creators such as graphic designers, video producers, photographers, audio editors, UX/UI designers and similar professional roles. Available on Amazon:

See a selection of pages below.
In February 2022 I celebrated 20 years in business as a freelance graphic designer, video producer and photographer. During those 20 years there have been many successes and challenges. I wrote this book to share some of my experiences and lessons learned with the intention of helping those who are just beginning their journey. I hope you find the book interesting and useful. – Peter Simcoe, Author of Freelancers Handbook

Freelancers Handbook


Freelancers Handbook
