Website design, front-end coding, ASP.NET templates, CMS 
In 2006, the North Texas Tollway Authority needed a major overhaul to their aging website. As part of a small team of developers working under Linda Rolfes, we gathered input on the project requirements and scope, developed mockups, and finally coded the front-end using HTML/CSS/JavaScript. 

Once the initial HTML layouts and templates were approved, I converted them to ASP.NET templates so they could be input into the Microsoft CMS then in use for the site. I also showed the editors and content managers how to use the CMS to maintain the content.

In addition to the main website, I was also responsible for designing and coding the front-end for the companion Customer Service website, including the pages displaying detailed toll information for NTTA customers.

Website and customer service site for the North Texas Tollway Authority (NTTA), the TollTag people.


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