Adrian Wahrer's profile

VALIDATE - Logo & Iconography (2021)

I produced the logo as well as the game icon; both are designed for use in a variety of treatments both in-game, and in supplementary materials such as social media or prints like stickers.

Logo usage examples
Some variations of the logotype do not include the subtitle or change its fill color for legibility.
Icon usage examples

Icon preliminaries
The game is a visual novel centered around multiple playable characters being able to date one another. The preliminary concepts involved both a fish-like silhouette ("plenty of fish in the sea") as well as a sort of "eclipse" shape whose negative space resembles a wedding ring. These were ultimately distilled into more of a celestial-looking visual theme to highlight the game's sense of heightened reality as well as some loose ties to astrology.

In the final version, the pointer/arrow also visually resembles a "V".

Character icons (2021 demo)
Icons revised by Dreba Borges
There are 13 playable characters total, so I consulted with various writers, artists, etc. responsible for those characters to create an icon or emblem for each to be used as a visual shorthand in various places in the game. Some are non-diegetic while others are contextual; for example the pink bunny is part of a character's brand within the story.

The character icons get used more sparingly, mostly within character promos (the graphics listing name and occupation) or the game's user interfaces.

Game character art by Yu Yamamoto
Character promo graphics and dotted pink background (header) by Alexis DeJesus
Revised icons by Dreba Borges
VALIDATE - Logo & Iconography (2021)

VALIDATE - Logo & Iconography (2021)
