Inktober 2022
Illustrationen in Tinte

Oh yeah, dieses Jahr hab ich mal wieder richtig Bock auf Inktober. Die offizielle Liste wurde veröffentlicht und alles Werkzeug liegt bereit.

Ich werde versuchen, alle Zeichnungen so zu gestalten, dass ich sie auch als Linoldruck umsetzen kann - das bedeutet es sind nur Schwarz und Weiß zugelassen, keine Abstufungen dazwischen. Noch eine zusätzliche Challenge zu der eigentlichen Challenge :)

Also - ran an die Pinsel!

#inktober2022 #inktober

Let's start today just in time on October 1st in #inktober2022 with the first word on the official list: #gargoyle - a #fantasycreature with #wings and #horns, whose models are the #spouts as they can be found especially on old #gothic buildings. In my case, it has become a small, fat #toad that has made itself #comfortable on a #mushroom. Every time it croaks, a gush of water comes with it 😊

Tag 02 - SCURRY
What do you think of when you hear the word #scurry? I immediately had the image of a #squirrel in my head, scurrying quickly across the street and climbing up the next #tree. Always in a circle around the trunk. And then, at a safe distance from the ground, it stops and looks around curiously.
I would love to have a big tree in the garden where squirrels live, because I think this little animal is just #cute. It looks like it's playing #tag or #hideandseek all day. In turn, I could watch it all day long :)

Tag 03 - BAT
When I lived in my grandmother's house as a child, there was an old pear tree in a corner behind the house. There, protected behind the crooked wooden shutters on the wall of the house, lived a small family of #bats. At #dusk, when they woke up and flew off, they often frightened us children. They always fluttered silently through the #garden just above our heads.

Tag 04 - SCALLOP
And the #journey continues with #inktober2022 - today with the word #scallop
According to Wikipedia, the scallop #shell was named after the shells with which the apostle James was usually depicted by artists. He undertook a variety of #seajourneys. This is why #pilgrims on the Way of St. James to #santiagodecompostela usually wear such a shell as a #badge.

Tag 05 - FLAME
#fire is super fascinating to me. I could just sit and stare into a #campfire for hours. The shapes of the flames, the way they curl and flicker around the wood, it just looks great.
And I don't think it's just me.
Chemically, it's all just an #exchangeofelectrons that creates #light and #heat, but it's so #muchmore at the same time. Huh, before this gets too philosophical, let's leave it at that.

Tag 06 - BOUQUET
I have to admit, for today's #inktober2022 drawing I used a design that I have had on my hard drive for a while now. It hasn't made it to paper yet, but first of all, it was perfect for today's #bouquet theme and secondly, there's nothing wrong with using an existing design when you're short on time and still want to deliver #beautiful content, or is it? So in that case I'm in for design #recycling 😊

Tag 07 - TRIP
Crazy, the first week of #inktober2022 is already over. Today is day 7 and thus the topic #trip.
I would love to have an old #van that I could convert into a small #camper van and enjoy the #vanlife. Oh, let me #dream a bit more about the beautiful #journeys and #sunsets....
Where would you go first?

Tag 08 - MATCH
I own a rather old matchbox. I don't know exactly how old it is, but I'm sure it's between 60 and 70 years old. I keep needles and paper clips in it that I need when I knit something. I really like the design of these old boxes. Sometimes I have the feeling that the manufacturers put a lot more effort into an appealing design back then. Without today's technical possibilities, the layout and design was still real manual work, which not everyone could do with a few clicks. It took real masters to do it.

Tag 09 - NEST
I find it super exciting that such small animals as weaver birds can build a nest from twigs, leaves and blades of grass within just a few hours. These constructions are usually very artistic or even perfectly round. The male often builds several nests and the female decides which one suits her needs.

Tag 10 - CRABBY
For today's Inktober theme I have absolutely no idea what to write in the caption. I didn't have THE right idea when I was drawing and started twice, didn't like either of them and finally decided on a third drawing, which you can see here. Sometimes it just doesn't work out. Like a little crab, which is said to take two steps forward and three steps back. And in the end it reaches its goal and I find a suitable caption.

Tag 11 - EAGLE
There are many little #sparrows in our neighbour's hedge and every now and then a #kite flies in circles over the houses. But I have never seen an #eagle live, except in a #falconry. Well, we don't live in the #mountains either, where these #animals are more at home.
Although #birds are not my favourite animals, I find the large specimens very #impressive.

Tag 12 - FORGET
Forgetting something is often just stupid and it usually occurs to you at the moment when it is too late: the front door closes behind you and you realise that the key is still inside; you want to pay for your shopping and you realise that you have forgotten your wallet in the car; your partner has been angry all day because you forgot an important date.
Probably everyone knows situations like that. Do you have a trick for forgetting as little as possible?

Tag 13 - KIND
Today is already #inktoberday13. The #themeoftheday is #kind and that is indeed always up-to-date. I don't want to make a political statement in any way now, others do that much more qualified than I do. It's still something that is very #closetomyheart. Be kind to each other, in big things as well as in small things. They are just as important. That always sounds a bit obvious, but that's what I really mean. Be kind to each other. It makes our everyday life much better. You never know what the other person is dealing with at the moment. A nice gesture can make his or her day a little better. I have made the experience that when you do something good for someone else, you immediately feel better yourself. You are just as happy with the other person.

Tag 14 - EMPTY
Today we end week two of #inktober with two #drawings. I had several #ideas about the #empty theme and couldn't decide which one to show you. Then just both. #youdecide which one you like better.
I find it totally fascinating how quickly time flies in such a challenge, every day a new theme, every day new #thoughts and #reflections, and in no time at all half of the month is over. There's not much time left for #idling and #justdoingnothing, although that would really do us all good sometimes

Well, I can't tell you much today, the #themeoftheday for #inktober2022 is #armadillo and that's what you get. Without any other frills. Just a small #animal that can curl up into an #armoured ball in case of danger. That's all I know about this #species. Do you?

Tag 16 - FOWL
Half of #inktober2022 is officially over today. After all, I've said many times that #timeflies when you have a task to do every day. The older I get, the faster I feel the pace. And that's exactly how I've been feeling again for the past two weeks.
Today is all about #fowl. My grandma used to have some #chickens and also a #rooster. I was always a little scared of that one as a little kid, though. Once, when I was with my grandpa on the meadow to feed, I stumbled and fell down. The rooster took advantage of that and jumped on my back. He wanted to bite me, but grandpa saved me. The rooster didn't survive long after that. Grandma said she didn't want aggressive roosters as long as there were children in the house. From then on, we actually never had a rooster again.

Tag 17 - SALTY
What am I drawing on the subject of #salty? There are so many things that contain #salt. Sometimes more (like my potatoes I cooked the other day), sometimes less. But somehow, when I read the word for today at #inktober2022, #anchovies came to mind. I don't like those little super salty #fish at all, but I thought they were quite appropriate as a motif. They often come in beautifully designed #tins, so I've often been tempted to buy them just because of the #packaging. Has that ever happened to you?

Tag 18 - SCRAPE
#fingernails on the #blackboard, the #fork in the #pot, the #knife on the #plate - they all have one thing in common: they make a #terribly #horrible, #scratchy #noise that immediately gives you #goosebumps. Just the idea of one of them triggers it in me.
Which brings us to today's #inktober2022 topic of " #scrape ". What sound gives you goosebumps?

The #ponytail (just a very simple one, not an elaborate one like the one pictured here) has been my #hairstyle of choice for the past few months. My #hair has gotten too long for me to just leave it down. It was just too warm in the summer. But now it's really bugging me. Luckily I have a hair appointment this Friday, so they'll come off again. So not completely off, but definitely shorter. And then it will be time for fresh color again. Let's see where the journey goes. I'm eager to experiment.

Tag 20 - BLUFF
Do you know the #dice game "Mäxle"? Here, the aim is to #outbid your fellow #players in turn with each throw. So a good bluff is a must! If you can't do that, you're out very quickly. Good #tactics and #unmasking the #lies of the others is incredibly #fun. The hours pass very quickly in a convivial group. Perfect for rainy Sunday afternoons or cosy summer evenings.
Which #games do you like?

Tag 21 - BAD DOG
Today, #inktober2022 is about #baddogs. Do they exist at all? If you were to ask #dogowners, I'm sure the answer would be "No, he doesn't do anything" and yes, I also think that aggressive behavior is trained or a result of not having socialized the #dog well. But I'm not an #animal #psychologist or #dogtrainer, and I'm actually a #catperson (sorry #dogpeople, I just like the purring velvet paws much better), so I'll leave it to the more qualified people to decide. Anyway, I've drawn a very #sweet, dear specimen for you here.

Tag 22 - HEIST
I just had to think for a long time, whether I've ever been #stolen something or whether I have at some point even stolen something myself. And then I remembered that I was once stolen a #bike, but that was almost 30 years ago. At that time I always rode my bike to the bus stop in our town in the morning (walking would have taken too long, I always got up so late that I would have missed the bus to school). And then one day in the afternoon the bike was gone. Fortunately, it was not a new one.
And then I remembered that a few years ago I had accidentally #forgotten to #pay for a coconut filled with birdseed (one of those things you can hang outside in the winter) from the hardware store. Since I still had a bunch of other stuff in the car and that has slipped somewhere underneath and I've noticed that only back home - sorry @bauhausdeutschland I probably still #owe you 2 euros.

Tag 23 - BOOGER
Warning: Today it might be a bit #disgusting for one or the other, because it's about the #booger.
Almost everyone does it, whether in the car at the traffic lights, at home in front of the TV or anywhere else, mostly where you feel #unobserved. But is that really the case? If poked, then please #etiquette fair and into a handkerchief and not #wheneveryoneiswatching. It's a #taboo subject that hardly anyone talks about, and yet it's just as #normal as going to the bathroom. Almost everyone does it every day and several times.
And as you can see, #animals do it too. #Cows, with their long, flexible #tongues, are good at reaching their noses (they can't use a #finger for lack of one).

Tag 24 - FAIRY
I like #fantasy stuff - books, films, it doesn't matter. Diving into completely #differentworlds is just very relaxing for me. Nevertheless, I had a bit of a hard time with today's #inktober2022 theme. When I think of " #fairy ", I always think of #delicate #creatures that float from #flower to flower with a little #magicwand and lots of #glitter. So it's more like a little Disney elf like Tinkerbell. But somehow I didn't want to draw one like that. Ok, my elf turned out #small anyway, but not quite as #light-footed. How cool would it be if there were actually little elephant #elves? I would have fun with that and would feed them their favourite food in my garden.

Well, isn't that #tempting ? Deliciously #sweet and #fluffy with a #heavenly #creamy #filling... Oh yes, that makes me want to try it myself!
Unfortunately, I let myself be #seduced by such things far too often, I just have a #sweettooth. Did I manage to do that with you just now?

Tag 26 - EGO
Today I am super late. No idea why exactly. Maybe because the topic is quite #abstract today and I didn't have a good idea how to implement it. Ego. What is that? Do I have that? Big ego - small ego. What makes the difference? Do I like people with big ego? I can't answer all these #questions right away either. Anyway, I tried to get the topic onto the page somehow. What do you think, did I succeed at least partially?

Tag 27 - SNACK
Yes okay, for a snack this is quite a lot, but #healthy! Small #peppers, #radishes, #lettuce, #almonds, #celery sticks, # crispy #pitabread and a hummus dip - makes something, right?
Unfortunately though, my snacks tend to be on the unhealthy list of #foods, too.
What's your favorite snack?

Tag 28 - CAMPING
Today #inktober2022 is about #camping. I like that. Well, at least for a while.
In my mind camping is always very #romantic, long nights around the #campfire, in the middle of #nature, no frills, #timetobreathe. 🏕 That's true, too.
But there are other things to it: #wet clothes all the time because it's raining all the time, #mosquitoes everywhere, the hard ground pressing on your back in the middle of the night, no warm #shower in sight, #noodles with sauce for the third day in a row, ... 😅
Nevertheless, camping is great and when you are back home, you realize that you actually lead a really #privilegedlife, for which you should always be #grateful.

Tag 29 - UH-OH
When was the last time something really #embarrassing happened to you? I can't think of a specific embarrassing situation, but I often find myself embarrassed by #situations that might be completely #normal for someone else. Then I first have a #mentalflashback and need a few attempts before I can actually #takeaction. For example, when I have to praise and advertise myself (just the thought of it makes me kind of #uncomfortable). As the founder of a small business, though, that's exactly what's pretty important. I don't want to talk anyone up, but at the same time I want to sell them something.

Tag 30 - GEAR
My #gear, my #equipment, my #tools, my #weaponsofchoice - no matter what you call it, it always comes down to the same thing: #linocut knives in various shapes, #linoleum plates, large and small #rollers, various #relief #inks, beautiful #paper, a good motif idea and off I go. I can completely #switchoff and immerse myself in another world. It's good when at the end of this journey there are also beautiful #prints that you can then enjoy in turn.

Tag 31 - FARM
Today, on the last day of #inktober2022, there are again a few #memories from my childhood, in keeping with the last word on the list „farm“. In the town where I grew up, there was a small farm on almost every corner. On our street alone, there were four or five #manurepiles in front of the houses. Many families had a few #cows, #horses, #chickens, #dogs or #cats and did small-scale #farming. My grandparents were no exception. I went with grandpa on his #tractor to the potato field at a very early age and played with the earthworms I dug up while grandpa tended the plants. Every evening I walked down the street with a small #milkcan and bought two liters of very fresh milk from the neighbor. If he just had #calves in the #barn, I was allowed to come and look.
It didn't look quite as idyllic as in my drawing, but in summary, what you see here is a typical Swabian farmhouse.
Inktober 2022