sadiq shaik's profile

Make your Virtual Classes & Training memorable!

Remote learning: no better than watching TV.

Your tools are failing you by creating passive learning experiences. Your students are tuning out, lacking engagement and getting frustrated. Yet these school years are critical for forging their professional future. 

Existing remote technology makes it a struggle to be heard and seen, limits your ability to be interactive with students, and dramatically reduces visual and other stimuli required for long-term memories.

Students are easily distracted.

Take the ‘distance’ out of distance learning
An interactive learning platform that makes teachers memorable and enables students to make their thinking visible.

Reactiv SUITE allows you to bring all your course material, multimedia content and textbooks onto one canvas. Fluidly present, arrange, compare documents and visually markup and express yourself. Leverage the infinite whiteboard to describe any concept, no matter how complex, and share easily with students.

Elevate your presence
Pin, position and scale your camera image so that it is as important as your lesson. Students need to connect with you and not just with your content.
Make your students feel like they are watching you teach – not just present. 

Elevate your presence
Pin, position and scale your camera image so that it is as important as your lesson. Students need to connect with you and not just with your content.
Make your students feel like they are watching you teach – not just present. 

Be Dynamic
Open, display and manipulate any file: PDF, URL, DOCX, PPTX, XLSX, videos and images, without interrupting your lesson. Be non-linear in your interactions with your students.

Save prep time as you no longer have to create PowerPoint content for every class. Dynamically pull up any type up content based on the direction of conversation.

For a free trial please visit:
Make your Virtual Classes & Training memorable!

Make your Virtual Classes & Training memorable!
