Stuck With You
The project is a speculation on how close siblings affect each other's lives, when growing up and was born from my observation of the interactions of my daughters. Their lives intertwine in an unpredictable way, both shape the other’s opinions, moods, perceptions. Even though the relationship has its ups and downs, it doesn’t lose its tightness, which brings me to the conclusion that brothers and sisters and not parents are the closest people to you, because they share your life situations in many ways.
Title: Life Is Fun
Story & Message: A life full of your laughter and tears is one that I will never let go of. Let’s play and tumble and fight ‘till our dying days. Let’s live life to the full, hand-in-hand, side-by-side.

Life is just better when you’re next to me.

The best thing about having siblings? They make life a daydream. You fight, play, and work together, creating memories that last beyond years and years apart. Even now, I can hear the sound of my [brother/sister]’s laughter, and I can’t help but smile at all the times we got in trouble, helped one another up, and fought over the last cookie. Life is just fun when we are together, and the memories hold me together when we are apart.
Title: Confide
Story & Message: There’s a whole world of us that no one else knows, a cord that binds us together and threads through our veins. The notes we pass in secret and the whispers only our ears hear will be forever ours.

Siblings share an unspoken trust that no one else - not even their parents - can enter. They confide in one another and entrust their innermost thoughts to each other, unaware of the protective barrier they build around themselves. It’s a beautiful bond that cannot be described with words, and even a parent cannot fathom the inner workings of the secrets their children share.
Title: I Win
Story & Message: When two are so close, it can be like a constant tug of war. I did it better. Mom loves me more than you. I got there first! I got a higher score. These are the words often uttered between the bonds of two, perhaps too close for comfort, yet inseparable, not realizing the world does not compare them with one another.

And so goes the life of siblings. From childhood to adulthood, the same battle. The same knot tying them together, even when they wish to be apart.
Title: In Your Shoes
Story & Message: We are a sisterhood of shared dreams, shared friends, shared futures. We are like branches of a tree that weave in and out of each other, forever connecting. Always together.

We’ve walked down that same street in the same pair of jeans, and we’ve trod the same path in the same worn-out sneakers. Even though you set the tune, I happily follow,
forever your equal.

Forever your friend.
- Except from Branches of a Tree by Ella Bright

Siblings can often share the same experiences, the same friends, and the same clothes. They are interlaced and connected in ways that parents are not; they have an unspoken bond of truth, trust, and unconditional love that embodies itself in hand-me-downs and pre-loved dolls. And while the eldest often blazes the path, the younger will gladly follow to the ends of the earth. A bond that is stronger than water and thicker than blood is the bond that siblings share.
Title: Grounding
Story & Message: You steady my restless thoughts,
And you calm my wild, untamed heart.
When my feet lift off the ground, I feel the softness of your hands pull me back to the start. I think, perhaps, without you, I would be lost in the clouds.
But you plant me.
You firmly root me in the soil.
You are my grounding.

It’s a beautiful thing, having someone know you so well that they are able to catch you before you drift, before your feet even lift from the ground. Siblings often catch each other when they fall and hold on to one another before one takes flight. They have the ability to balance each other out and keep each other firmly grounded. All of us need to be brought back down to earth sometimes, and having someone that knows us so well - someone who can balance us out when our mind runs wild - is a gift we must cherish.
Title: Inseparable
Story & Message: There’s no other way to describe it. We are like one flesh, always together, giggling, dancing, crying. We share all of these precious moments, and they draw us closer. There’s just no other way of saying it. But we are one. Inseparable.

When two grow together, an invisible cord is drawn. They share the same lives, laughs, and tears, creating a fuse stronger than any glue. Their laughter harmonizes like a birdsong, and the patter of their feet play the drums as they skip to the kitchen table together. Always together, very rarely apart. And if ever apart, they yearn for the hour they meet, as if they have not seen each other in years.
Title: Mom & Dad
Story & Message: We are born from the same beginning, and we shared the same home. Our make-up is formed from the same entities, forming our being and personality. We may have different tastes; I like sweet, you like sour. We may have different thoughts; you like earth, I like water. But we run with one another, all and the same, our colors blending and molding together as though we were one.

From the very beginning - from the very embryo - We are incredibly formed. Whether we share the same parents or not, we are unique and inherit traits from our parents and beyond. Yet, despite striking differences, siblings still resemble one another in ways that clearly depict their lasting connection.
Stuck With You

Stuck With You
