gender of play is a prototype of a web tool that would analyze popular toys on the market for the messages and values they impress on children in early childhood, raising awareness of the very gender-segregated and gender-stereotyped toy market. The tool would draw information for its analyses from researchers, educators, psychologists, and other experts.

The basic mechanics involves the user selecting or searching for a toy. The user then has the opportunity to compare with up to three other toys, or to view the selected toy’s analysis individually. The gender toward which the toy is marketed is indicated by color and clearly separated on the site so the user is encouraged to compare the values of one gender’s toy against another.
The web experience offers a range of toy categories that are marketed toward either gender that the user can select to further analyze or compare with other toys.
A sample comparison page for two similar gender-segregated products: action figures and dolls.
A poster and takeaway cards for the exhibit that describes the project's concept.
Icon set for the web site and cards.
gender of play

gender of play

gender of play is a prototype of a web tool that would analyze popular toys on the market for the messages and values they impress on children in Read More
