Dream Website Theme

DMACC Portfolio Day needed ideas for an event theme for the graduating class of 2022. After lots of research, I finally ended up choosing Dream as my theme. Every single person has had dreams throughout their life, whether it would be the dreams you get while sleeping or the bigger dreams such as future jobs. Your dreams are meant to be your motivator in life. They keep you going when you may want to give up. Don't give in to giving up because your dreams begin here.

The goal of this project was to ideate and design a theme for the next portfolio day while solving the prior year's pain points in the customers' experience. A pain point is any interaction a user faces with a product or service. We aimed at solving as many of those points as possible. Paper prototyping was one of the first tasks to accomplish in this concept. What works and what doesn't work with successfully executed user testing? Where are the pain points from last year's concept and execution? Below is the final product that includes a scroll graphic of what the landing page would look like.
The Concept

The concept of Dream began after lots of research. After tossing around ideas with the Dream theme, it had been received very well amongst the other ideas. While planning the website's design for the theme, I had decided on designing a starry night as the landing page background. Featuring a darker blue background with multiple stars in the night sky, this design felt dreamy, but I felt it still needed an addition. As I was midway in designing the layout for the website, I had adjusted my concept to include a starry night fading into a sunset with a cityscape in the forefront. I felt this was the best possible to carry out my Dream.
The Process

First, I started off with some research into different possible theme ideas for this project. I gathered as much inspiration as possible to use in my mood board of what I thought the project should look like. Prototyping was the next step in the project. You should find all of the possible flaws with pencil and paper first to get those out of the way. After completing that step, I then began to design the wireframes to include rough versions of what the layout of my website theme would be perceived as.

When I had all of my wireframing and layouts completed, I was ready to begin adding colors and all of my own created elements from Illustrator. Each page is designed for simplicity with the job recruiters in mind. The final product turned out very well with great hierarchy and a leading scroll graphic to grab users' attention.
Dream Website

Dream Website
