This diptych was drawn during a difficult period of my life, it symbolically tells about getting out of depression and returning to life. Working on these pictures was therapeutic and helped to share my experience safely. When choosing a pictorial language, I was inspired by medieval legends (this is also a story about strength and courage) 
"Tame the dragon", reflects the need to recognize and interact with the most frightening and unsightly feelings and personal properties to begin moving towards inner balance and strength
"Rebirth" shows a slow return to life.
In difficult times, we are forced to be strong, much stronger than we naturally are. It helps us to get through the heaviness or pain better. But we have to hide our softness and vulnerability, seal them until better times. Sometimes we are sealed for so long that we forget what we really are under the cover of the armor.
But one day, we notice new sprouts of life that we no longer hoped to see. Then we realize that we have gone through another transformation, and that we have inspiration, and strength, and hope again. It takes a really lot of strength and courage to be vulnerable and open the heart.
These works was created to participate in the exhibition in Moscow. They have the size A2 each and are made in a mixed media: watercolor, colored pencils and acrylic. Later, postcards with these images were printed:
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