Problem: Specialized card games that are played with a normal deck of playing cards are spread by word of mouth, so only a selected few know about these specialized games.

Solution: Using branding and specialized packaging to make a specialized card game that is played using a normal deck of playing cards more famous and well known to the public.
The Logo
Since the name of the card game that I chose is James Bond, I decided to base this games logo on the well known James Bond movies. I did this by adding in elements like a bullet and a martini glass so even before someone realizes this is a card game they will be intrigued to find out more about this product because of the cool name and logo. I also added two rectangles on both sides of the logo to represent playing cards, so this game does not loose the card game feel. 
Final Logo
The Instruction Manual
After finding a layout that worked well for this card games instruction manual, I started to think of ways to connect these instructions to the logo I created. I began to bring in different elements from the logo to not only further enhance the look of this instruction manual, but to also make these two items feel like they are two pieces of the same project.
Packaging Exploration
While designing the packaging for this game I wanted to make sure everything had the same feeling as the logo and the instruction manual. I used all of the same colors and incorporated different elements from the logo. I added the spirals to help make the packaging look more fun and playful and give it a more game like feeling. I went with a diamond and a heart at the center of the spirals to represent two out of the four suites in a deck of cards, so the packaging design did not loose its card game feel.
Final Product
James Bond