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Plain Ink Illustrations

Plain Ink Illustrations
Made for the STARCALL Anthology, published since 2011 and sold in all formats at and - #starcallanthology

Note: "Plan ink" illustrations (a.k.a. "1-bit ink") have no nuances, only crosshatching and fine splotches of "ink dust" (like air spray), plus scratchboard effects to make "white highlights." Contrary to "ink wash" illustrations (made like monochrome watercolor), the plain "pen and ink" illustrations are much smaller in file size: 500kb vs. 5mb. Since they are more contrasty, they are the preferred medium for old-time (classic) book illustrations and the graphic novels of the 1930s. Today, if the price of a 300-page book with monochrome illustrations is $15, in color the price is doubled. Make that hardback, and the book becomes over $40, which is quite unsellable! Hence, authors and publishers are still looking for solutions, the answer to which is... digital eBooks. Yet again, if you want a physical collectable item, be ready to spend more for quality books, since none of them are printed on pulp paper like the "newsprint" of the 1930s, called The Golden Age of Sci-Fi & Pulp Fiction. For more, do not hesitate to ask me.
"Captain Ion Vander" from "New Scheherazade" (2014) by Bob Bello, 11"x17" pen and ink.
"Commander Lethe, A.I. Hologram" from "New Scheherazade" (2014) by Bob Bello, 11"x17" pen and ink.
"Lieutenant Dr. Fani Hurt" from "New Scheherazade" (2014) by Bob Bello, 11"x17" inked watercolor portrait.
"Major Rob Scotch" from "New Scheherazade" (2014) by Bob Bello, 11"x17" pen and ink.
"Captain Ayla Shiraz" from "New Scheherazade" (2014) by Bob Bello, 11"x17" pen and ink.
"Captain Nichols" from "The Swim of A Lifetime" (2014) by Bob Bello, 11"x17" pen and ink.

"Baron Aram Kozlowski" from "Breath of Life" (2014) by Bob Bello, 11"x17" pen and ink.
"Raissa Kozlowski" from "Breath of Life" (2014) by Bob Bello, 11"x17" pen and ink.
"Lieutenant Vincent Bennett" from "Breath of Life" (2014) by Bob Bello, 11"x17" pen and ink.
Plain Ink Illustrations

Plain Ink Illustrations
