Or Egozi's profile

Daimler Mercedes SIC

SIC = Security Intelligence Center is a portal for cyber security analysts who scrap the web on daily basis and collaborate reports about potential threat leads related to sensitive components in new age cars.

A typical modern car today contains multiple connection based components / IOT's that are assembled by different manufacturers. Wifi, Bluetooth, chips, port computers and so are all vulnerable for breaches and hacking. Either from afar or while your car is plugged to a repairing system, data about your car can be shared among malicious profiles across the web and security & damage threats are on the rise. For these reasons, SIC POC was launched, collaborating Mercedes Israeli R&D center. 


The POC was concentrated on the main daily workflow of our target persona - Searching the web, collaborating with written reports while writing new ones, escalating urgent issues and sharing newly created reports internally. Collaboration was a key pain we came to solve. 
POC System Architecture 
User Flows

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Daimler Mercedes SIC

Daimler Mercedes SIC


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