Your best friend forever 💅🏻
This is an old marketing school project I've had to develop in about a week's time.

It started with a brainstorming session during which many ideas came out, but only this one was truly innovative, although relatively simple. Pre-made makeup masks, similar to the common face masks already available, would allow you to put on any type of makeup you want.

The concept was good, but it was challenging to adapt it to every customer’s needs. Such masks would have to be precisely cut and printed precisely for each individual face, making them technically complex to tailor and more expensive than visiting a make-up artist or putting on the makeup yourself.

The brainstorming turned into a briefing where, using my prior knowledge, I suggested a little improvement; instead of printing on paper, the machine could print the makeup the user wanted directly on their face, without having to prepare a paper print.

This is how MakeUpper was born.
Above: two different drawings of the final design.
Below: mock-up prototype designs.
Using my 10+ years of 3D design, I designed both 3ds Max sketches and SolidWorks blueprints that I later used to describe my idea of how MakeUpper would work. I also focused on making the product appear more pleasing to the human eye.
We came up with this project during a marketing class, so we couldn't forget about carrying out complete SWOT analysis. We researched the market and estimated the required budget and profit a product like ours would make in the long term.
We all put the best of our skills and knowledge to serve this extraordinary and memorable project. I worked as the Team Leader. My knowledge of electronics, mechanics, and robotics gave solid ground to the presentation, using accurate jargon to describe what could one day be an item in everyone's life.

Special thanks to my team for bits of the content I've posted above. Sketches, SWOT analysis, and the website were developed in cooperation with Fra C., Mar R., and Gia M.

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