Mascot Design & illustration

OPTIVLY are experts at developing eLearning courses. They offer innovative 2D, 3D, VR and AR online learning solutions and Learning Management Systems.

We all know the importance of lifelong learning. But to actually embark on this journey can be daunting. These apprehensions keep people from taking up OPTIVLY's offerings.

To take the power out of their potential customers' doubts, OPTIVLY created a mascot to represent (and address) these challenges in a light-hearted way.

Introducing Ron - Ron is OPTIVLY's company mascot.  His name is a reference to Ron Burgundy from Anchorman and Godzilla from.... Tokyo in the 70's.

Ron doesn't know much about eLearning at all.  Ron thinks that eLearning is just a matter of taking a few student manuals and some PowerPoints and whacking them up online..... don't be like Ron.
Smiley has been POSB's Spokes-Squirrel since 1969, and is remembered by many for the stamp cards he uses to encourage primary school students to get into the habit of saving. 
Smiley's design has evolved throughout the years. In order to connect better with children today, we developed an all-new Smiley design - updated to keep him trendy, relevant, and looking sharp online. We call this new design: Flat-3D
We use flat-colour illustrations with semi-dimensional shadows and lighting to enable Smiley to blend seamlessly with any real-world photographs he’s placed in.

He can now be made to 'interact' physically with both real and digital objects in pictures.

This makes Smiley look like he’s part of the scene, but also stand out in every shot.

Smiley's new look is highly adaptable across all scenarios, from lifestyle photos for the 'Gram, to more official promotional communications.
Mascot Design & illustration

Mascot Design & illustration
