Animal Project: Stoat
This project was done to help transfer the image of a Stoat into different art forms with each their own purpose in mind.
In total from left to right are the Storybook, Encyclopedia, Gesture, and Logo
that as you can see differ greatly despite having the same original reference image.
I wanted to help express just how differently the end product can become with the goal being slightly different for each.

Stoat: Reference Image
Out of all the reference photos I could chose from I enjoyed how the stoat seems to be looking over its shoulder towards something unseen by the viewer.
It also gives the stoat a nice symmetrical balance with its tail and head mirroring each other that transferred well into the more simplified designs.
The Stoat compared to other related species is defined by its striking black tipped tail. Another interesting fact about stoats is they will change their coat colors from a brown summer into a pure white winter coat. As such the reference photo was taken in-between this coat changing process, but for the final projects I used the summer coat pallet.

Stoat: Transformation
For the Transformation the Stoat with its signature black tipped tail instead can now use it as a paintbrush. I wanted to also incorporate white splotches to reference the Stoat's winter coat as well. Then added a little art apron to play off that 'artist' look it now has.
When shading I went with a stylistic pattern to help with its more whimsical appearance.
Transformation Sketches
When sketching for what exactly I wanted to do for a Stoat one of the directions
was to give it rabbit ears as they are one of the main prey animals the Stoat hunts for.
I thought it was rather plain, so instead started to dress the Stoat up in different outfits. This is how I came to the conclusion to play off the Stoat's paintbrush like tail
and made in into a tiny artist.

Stoat: Encyclopedia
The purpose was to accurately reference the physiological features unique to the Stoat,
so that it could be used as reference for those unaware.
It was a lot of fun playing with the fur to give it the proper shading and texture. 
Without the proper placement both the furry and  non furry parts would have
looked out of place as a result.

Stoat: Gesture
The gesture was done to get the very general 'Stoatness' of the Stoat. As such I went with using a pen that seems all one line at first, but ends up being very sketchy as a result. I did this to play off how Stoats are very energetic creatures like most weasels, but still have a very sleek looking coat that all seems to flow in one direction.
Gesture Sketches
Since this was for the Gesture most of the sketches were done in different mediums to see which type would work best. This is how I came to the conclusion to use a pen so you can see the general Stoat shape, but made it have a messy line for a more playful look.
Stoat: Logo
The first image below is the physical ink version of the logo before
I converted it into a transparent PNG format.
Logos, especially now, have a very simplified look which I tried to get across with the Stoat's general shape. I left the places that were white open to draw your attention and give a more sleek look. I found the reference photo I picked worked very well for this since the head and tail have a asymmetrical look as if they were mirroring each other.
Logo Sketches
I was unsure exactly the direction I wanted to go for the logo. Originally, I was afraid it would be mistaken for another animal if I simplified it since some of my sketches to me looked more cat like than weasel/stoat. Since the final product has the signature black tipped tail and slim shape I believe it worked well in the end despite my original worries.
Animal Project: Stoat

Animal Project: Stoat


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