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Mitsi.Studio NFT Gold Series

Mitsi.Studio NFT Gold Series
Wheel Of Fortune
This art piece visualizes the primitiveness of the human emotions going parallel with the strong fluctuating crypto market. For many, it is nothing but the struggle to hold on and the hope to step up their game over time. For the 'few' who've turned their luck into reality, they thrive on their established 'wealth' on the top of the world. Beyond this 'top' you see the fallen. They face the grim consequences of 'the flipside to the coin'!
Just A Clown
Time To Waste
An art piece dedicated to the worst environmental disasters in US history.
The statue of Liberty is surrounded by the burning Deepwater Horizon Oil rig, the flooded City of New Orleans,the Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, the Love Canal, the Nevada testing ground, the abandoned Californian oil wells and the wasteland of the Mid-American Dust Bowl.

Tomb Of Nekhen
The Tomb of Nekhen is the oldest discovered tomb with painted decorations. It is believed the tomb dates back to the end of prehistoric Egypt, around 3200–3100 BC. Are we going to discover new civilizations in the future, when we explore other planets to find life?
A human being simply can not help himself wondering and idealizing this moment when we finally do. 1440 x 1440 px
Stand Your Ground
'Stand Your Ground' An artwork depicting an AR-15 automatic rifle being fought over by different groups of people in order to maintain or change gun law legislation in the US.
You can see the Second Amendment text placed on the upper wall part of the background structure.

Cyberloop shows us the recent developments in the race to put space tourists in the thermosphere and beyond. To beat the competition, companies promote their latest innovations, like promoting new rides in amusement parks. Participants are lured in with ticket sales and auctions that go in the millions. When we once watched professional astronauts on our black and white TVs, now we see ordinary people leave our planet’s surface towards the Kármán line, the border of the earth’s atmosphere and outer space. These people risk their lives by putting all their trust in technology, scientists, and engineers. It is impossible to imagine the sense of isolation when it all goes wrong one day, and we lose people out there in the vastness of outer space. We know deep down this is inevitable, but we also know we are humans, and we will never be stopped by anything, on the contrary. Some of us will pay millions to put themselves in great danger, to see space with their own eyes, floating 70 miles above earth’s surface, and be able to tell people below what they were able to do. But one day, some of them will be speaking those words, as a farewell to their loved ones, far down below. 1440 x 1440 px
Mitsi.Studio NFT Gold Series

Mitsi.Studio NFT Gold Series
