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Bats (Illustrated Business Card)

Come with us to enjoy the night!
Business card with minimal sample text in the purple color scheme
Business card with more sample text in the blue color scheme
Invitation card with minimal sample text in the green color scheme
Come with us to enjoy the night!
This card can be used as a business card (for example to Event Planning teams, bands or companies with night program services) or as an invitation card to a personal or company Halloween party or any night program.
The Bats Theme is one of the YTUNITY Double Viewpoint Card Series. The uniqueness of the series is guaranteed by the double perspective: we look a scene from two viewpoints - one if we look the front side of the card, and another one if we look the back side of the card. The actual scene always have some message, which can be pronounced on the moment of handover, written on the printed material, or it can be discarded by the user and substituted with a custom message.
Scene of the Bats Theme
The sun sets, the bats wake up, and they go out to the night... the night starts now, in this moment.
Back side of the card
We see the scene from outside: it's dark and mysterious, and actually we do not know really, what can we see. Just luminous eyes in the dark. The cave's stone is dark, the sun's farewell shine touch it just a little bit...
Front side of the card
We see the scene from the darkness (from the cave), the pale light of the sun seems to be a glaring shine, and we can feel the invitation: come on! Start the night! This inspired the phrase: Come with us to enjoy the night! - with a little dark humor considering the bats' night activities...
Double viewpoint
Further Color Schemes
Bats in the Morning
This template was created for sale, and I added a tutorial to the package: if you follow the steps, at the end it will turn into a Morning Scene, when the bats come home to the cave... and of course they won't sleep: they will have an after party!
In this way the card can be used as an after party invitation card too.

"We come when the bats go home"
With this message it can be used as a business card if user has any morning services.
In the morning the bats come home
Do you like the idea? Ytun it!
If you like the idea, and have your own double viewpoint concept, you can join us as a Guest Creative, and show your work to the world through us.
For more informations - and more double viewpoint cards -, visit our member's common portfolio: YTUNITY on Behance
Bats (Illustrated Business Card)

Bats (Illustrated Business Card)

The Bats Theme: business or invitation card in 5 color schemes, one of the YTUNITY Double Viewpoint Card Series' starter kit.
