The Sight
A story of trust and betrayal
Dreaming of a music album from the 90's, composed by the sounds of a busy kitchen mixed with those of a construction site, the vocals of a damped sagull and the nonsensical lyrics from your ill grandpa.
This album tells the story of a betrayed man, who's body has been used by his friend to wake an ancient curse, with mysterious powers, named The Sight.

When betrayed, one can either choose to mourn, or to take advantage of the curse that has been given, and use it to become stronger.

Which path is he gonna take? You'll only get to know by listening to this masterpiece of trash music, till the end.*
Some renders without and with materials and final environment reflections.
Detail on the album cover itself.
A little insight over the layers that compose it...
...and on its core, The Sight. The curse that has been waken.
This whole artwork born as a simple concept that I wanted bring to life, I've used Illustrator for the artworks, a case and caliber with the aid of SolidWorks for the CD and its case, and KeyShot for the final renders.
*DISCLAIMER: BB-Run Records and any connected parties will not accept claims of responsibility for temporary, partial or total brain and/or physical damage, resulting from listening to this album. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.
More at BBs Original
The Sight


The Sight
